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E-world energy & water is the place where the European energy industry comes together. Serving as an information platform for the energy sector, E-world is gathering international decision makers in Essen each year. More than one fifth of the exhibiting companies are based abroad. The majority of international exhibitors come from countries of the European Union.
New Energy Systems Forum – Driving future energy markets
When: Tuesday, 20 February 2024 | 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
Where: Hall 1, New Energy Systems Forum, Messe Essen
At EEX Group, we continuously develop solutions to meet the evolving needs of global energy and commodity markets. As the energy sector continues to develop, we are putting a special focus on innovation, decarbonisation and the energy transition to ensure the long-term success of the market and our customers. At the E-world “New Energy Systems Forum”, EEX Group will discuss recent energy market trends and developments and present the latest solutions for secure, successful, and sustainable commodity markets worldwide. In particular, we will focus on the impact of legislation on the European energy markets, on EEX Group’s product news for power, gas and hydrogen, as well as EEX Group’s products and services around Guarantees of Origin.
Here you can find the programme and register for the New Energy Systems Forum.
Detailed Program
10.00 am - 11.00 am | How will national and European legislation shape the European energy futures markets? Join us to get an update on current political and regulatory developments.
10.00 am - 10.20 am | How will national legislation shape the energy futures markets?
Daniel Wragge | Director Political & Regulatory Affairs | EEX
10.20 am - 10.40 am | How will European legislation shape the energy futures markets?
Anje Stiers | Head of EU Representative Office - Political & Regulatory Affairs | EEX
10.40 am - 11.00 am | How will European legislation shape the energy spot market?
Davide Orifici | Director für Public & Regulatory Affairs and Communications | EPEX SPOT
11.00 am - 12.00 pm | How EEX Group further develops the power, gas and hydrogen markets through new products and initiatives
11.00 am - 11.20 am | Introducing EEX Nordic Zonal Futures
Viviana Ciancibello | Senior Business Developer | EEX
11.20 am - 11.40 am | Hydrogen initiatives of EEX Group
Sirko Beidatsch | Expert Gas Markets | EEX
11.40 am - 12.00 pm | EEX and gas price transparency – reliable indices across all time frames for Europe
Daniel Fichtner | Head of Business Development Gas | EEX
Gintaras Buzkys | Chief Business Development Officer | GET Baltic
12.00 pm - 1.00 pm | How GO trading and registry services provide transparency and end-to-end energy traceability
12.00 pm - 12.20 pm | Registries & GOs services at EEX Group
Aude Filippi | Director Business Development Gas & Sustainability Markets | EEX
12.20 pm - 12.40 pm | Building a transparent and liquid pan-European GO Spot Market
Emine Duygu Uyar | Senior Business Developer | EPEX SPOT
12.40 pm - 1.00 pm | The state of the biogas GO market – present and future
Blaise Farrokhi | Business Developer | EEX